Write it down

My crappy superpower is solving difficult problems as I'm falling asleep.

hero of "Write it down"

My crappy superpower is solving difficult problems as I'm falling asleep. Doesn't sound too bad, right? Here's the catch: I always convince myself I don't need to write the solution down.

It's 1:18 AM. I just figured it out. The answer is so simple, I can't believe it took me this long. Do I blind myself opening my phone to write it down? No, I can finally sleep now! There's no way I'll forget.

It's 8:32 AM. I can't believe I've done this again.

I have a new policy: write it down. Every single time. No matter if the idea comes to me in the shower, the middle of a dream, or in a conversation.

Most of my ideas are bad. But this way I'll never miss an opportunity.

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